Tuesday, April 19, 2011

A Gentle Breeze

Now that the weather is finally getting warmer, My friend Tati and I went up to the field near out houses and took these photos, which showcases an amazing almost see-through veil I found in my basement dress-up chest. The property used to be an estate, and I would love to go back and get some more photos in the ancient spring house and natural water pool.

Tati wears my mom's old skirt (from the hippie days) as a dress with a thrifted belt. I have on a dress that is also from the sixties, found in the attic. The flowing and free quality the cloth takes while floating upon a breeze mirrors the famous ideals of the time period from which our styles were taken. Hopefully you feel a sense of peace and lack of restrictions from both the outfits and the overall feel of the photos.


  1. these images...so pretty! great post.

    -Style Odyssey

  2. would it be cheesy if i said i am "blown away"? haha i really love these photos <3 :D

